IMST's Radar Demonstrators are Developments from R&D Projects or Customer Solutions

2 GHZ: sR2-2300e

Stepped frequency CW radar sensor for 100 MHz to 2 GHz

2 GHZ: sR2-2300e

"sR2-2300e" operates according to the Stepped-Frequency-Continuous-Wave (SFCW) method and covers the frequency range from 100 MHz to 2 GHz. Discrete frequency steps…

13+17 GHZ: sR13-12VHe, sR17-12VHe

High-accuracy Ku-band sensors at 13.5 GHz and 17.5 GHz

13+17 GHZ: sR13-12VHe, sR17-12VHe

These two Ku-band FMCW Radar sensors sR13-12VHe and sR17-12VHe the Developer-Kits DK-sR13-12VHe and DK-sR17-12VHe are designed for high accuracy distance measurements.…

24 GHz: sR-1800e

24 GHz FMCW radar module with Rotman Lens (1Tx + 8Rx)

24 GHz: sR-1800e

The IMST 24 GHz FMCW Radar Development Kit DK-sR-1800e consists of 1 transmit and 8 receive antennas. The transmit antenna covers 70° in azimuth and 8° in elevation.…

24 GHz: sR-2400e

24 GHz FMCW radar module with 2 transmitters and 4 receivers

24 GHz: sR-2400e

This 24 GHz Radar demonstrator is a result of the "FahrRad" project. The module sR-2400e and the Development Kit DK-sR-2400e have 2 transmit (Tx) and 4 receive (Rx)…

35 GHZ: sR35-12VHe

High-accuracy radar sensor at 35GHz

35 GHZ: sR35-12VHe

IMST’s 35 GHz FMCW Radar sR35-12VHe and the Developer-Kit DK-sR35-12VHe are designed for high accuracy and fast distance measurements. It enables a 2.6 GHz bandwidth…

60 GHz Radar for material characterization and 3D tracking

High-resolution radar sensor at 60GHz

60 GHz: sR60-3400e

IMST’s 60 GHz Radar sR60-3400 is designed for 3D tracking of targets in range, azimuth & elevation angle. It is also capable of performing highly accurate distance…

77/79 GHz: sR77-3402e

High-resolution radar sensor at 77GHz

77/79 GHz: sR77-3402e

sR-3402e is a result of the research project "RoKoRa". The radar module was developed for 77/79 GHz FMCW radar with Texas Instruments radar chip AWR1243 and NXP…

77 GHz Radar for automotive, traffic and industrial applications

High-resolution radar sensor at 77GHz

77/79 GHz: sR77-3403e

IMST’s 77 GHz Radar sR77-3403 and the Developer-Kit DK-sR77-3403 are designed for high accuracy and high-resolution distance and velocity measurements. This Radar…

Naming for Radar Sensors
Example "sR17-12VHe" or "DK-sR17-12VHe"

DK = Developer Kit
sR = Sentire Radar
17 = Frequency in GHz
12 = 1 Tx and 2 Rx Channels
VH = Vertical and Horizontal Polarization (MP = Monopulse, RL = Round Lens)
e = Ethernet Interface (u = USB, c = CAN-Bus, i = industrial)