sR-3402e is a result of the research project "RoKoRa". The radar module was developed for 77/79 GHz FMCW radar with Texas Instruments radar chip AWR1243 and NXP radar signal processor FS32R174. The frontends were designed by partner Fraunhofer IAF and consist of 3 transmitters (3 Tx) and four receivers (4 Rx). Frequency bands from 76 to 77 GHz and 77 to 81 GHz can be applied. IMST designed and manufactured the baseband board with radar signal processing, Ethernet interface and DC supply (with Power-over-Ethernet or external 12V DC). The photograph shows the radar module without radome. The frontend/antenna board is attached on top of the processor/interface board. The photograph belwo was made during a project meeting where all components were put into operation on a FANUC robot at an Audi test laboratory.