Technical Data
- sR13-12VHe: 13 GHz, 2 GHz Bandwidth, 1 Tx + 2 Rx, Vertical (V) and Horizontal (H) Polarization, Material Characterization, Snow & Ice Measurements
- sR17-12VHe: 17 GHz, 2 GHz Bandwidth, 1 Tx + 2 Rx, Vertical (V) and Horizontal (H) Polarization, Material Characterization, Snow & Ice Measurements
- sR-1200e: 24 GHz, 1 Tx + 2 Rx, FMCW, Distance and Speed, Direction in Azimuth, (e) Ethernet Interface
- sR-1030e: 24 GHz, 1 Tx + 2 Rx, FMCW, Distance and Speed, 3 Coaxial Connectors for external Antennas, (e) Ethernet Interface
- A-sR-1032: 24 GHz, 1 Tx + 2 Rx, External Patch Antennas with Linear Polarization
- A-sR-1033: 24 GHz, 1 Tx + 2 Rx, External Patch Antennas with Circular Polarization
- sR-14MPc: 24 GHz, 1 Tx + 4 Rx, FMCW, Mono-Pulse, Distance and Speed, Direction in Azimuth and Elevation, (c) CAN-Bus Interface
- sR-2400e: 24 GHz, 2 Tx + 4 Rx, FMCW, Tx with small and wide Beam, Distance and Speed, Direction in Azimuth, (e) Ethernet Interface
- sR-1800e: 24 GHz, 1 Tx + 8 Rx, FMCW, Tx with wide Beam, Rx with 8 fixed Beams, Distance and Speed, Direction in Azimuth, (e) Ethernet Interface
- sR35-12VHe: 35 GHz, 3.6 GHz Bandwidth, 1 Tx + 2 Rx, Vertical (V) and Horizontal (H) Polarization, Material Characterization
- sR60-12RLi: 60 GHz, 6 GHz Bandwidth, 1 Tx + 2 Rx, FMCW, Distance and Speed, Direction in Azimuth, (RL) Round Dielectric Lens, (i) Industrial Interface
- sR60-3400e/u: 60 GHz, 4 GHz Bandwidth, 3 Tx + 4 Rx, FMCW, MIMO, Distance and Speed, Target Detection in Azimuth & Elevation
- sR77-3403e/u: 77/79 GHz, 76 to 77 GHz, 77 to 81 GHz, 3 Tx + 4 Rx, FMCW, MIMO, Automotive Band, Distance and Speed, Target Detection in Azimuth & Elevation
Declarations of Conformity
- DoC for sR-1200e: CE Approval incl. RED (2014/53/EC)
- DoC for DK-sR-1200e: CE Approval incl. RED (2014/53/EC)
- DoC for sR-14MPc: CE Approval incl. RED (2014/53/EC)
- DoC for DK-sR-14MPc: CE Approval incl. RED (2014/53/EC)
Application Notes
- Landscape Measurements with sR-1030 and two Horn Antennas
- Building Measurements with sR-1030 and two Horn Antennas
- Distance Measurement with 5.8GHz FMCW Radar
- Polarimetric Measurements with sR-12CP Radar
- Surveillance of Taxiway Crossings at Airport Cologne/Bonn
- Intruder Detection with Radar and PTZ Camera
- Target Classification with micro-Doppler Radar
- 1MA267_0e_automotive_Radar_Meas_Interfer_tests Rohde & Schwarz®,
RPAS – Automotive Radar Sensors – RF Signal Analysis and Inference Tests
Publications related to IMST Radars
[19] IMST GmbH
L. Meyer, R. Jetten, R. Kulke,
"Radar for Industrial Vehicular Application",
International Radar Symposium IRS 2023, Berlin, 26. May 2023
[18] Hochschule Niederrhein (University of Applied Science) + IMST GmbH
] H.-G. Hirsch, F. Terstappen, R. Kulke, M. Hägelen, R. Jetten,
"Object Classification with Micro-Doppler Spectra for Surveillance Applications”,
International Radar Symposium IRS 2023, Berlin, 25. May 2023
[17] IMST GmbH + DLR German Aerospace Center
R. Kulke, M. Hägelen, R. Jetten, M. Schmidhammer, F. de Ponte Müller, I. Rashdan,
"Increased traffic safety by means of intelligent detection and localization technologies",
European Microwave Week 2021, EuMW, EuRAD, London, 6. April 2022
[16] Université de Sherbrooke:
Royer, A., Roy, A., Jutras, S., and Langlois, A.,
Review article: "Performance assessment of radiation-based field sensors for monitoring the water equivalent of snow cover (SWE)",
The Cryosphere, 15, 5079–5098, 2021
[15] Université de Sherbrooke:
Royer, A., Roy, A., Jutras, S., and Langlois, A.,
Review article: "Performance assessment of electromagnetic wave-based field sensors for SWE monitoring",
The Cryosphere Discuss, in review, 2021
[14] RoKoRa Konsortium:
M. Abdelawwad, T. Borowski, J. Börcsök, M. Drabesch, M. Hägelen, M. H. Schwarz, Ch. Voß, Ch. Zech,
"Überwachung des Mensch-Roboter-Kollaborationsraums mittels Millimeterwellen-Radar",
Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, vol. 116, no. 6, 2021, pp. 377-381, 2021
[13] IMST GmbH + Hochschule Niederrhein:
H.-G. Hirsch, J. Stähler, M. Hägelen, R. Kulke,
"Analyzing the classification capability of Micro-Doppler spectra",
IEEE Radar Conference, Florence, Italy, 21.-25. September, 2020
[12] Université de Sherbrooke:
P. Pomerleau, A. Royer, A. Langlois, P. Cliche, B. Courtemanche, J.-B. Madore, G. Picard, É. Lefebvre,
"Low Cost and Compact FMCW 24 GHz Radar Applications for Snowpack and Ice Thickness Measurements",
Sensors, 20, 3909; doi:10.3390/s20143909
[11] IMST GmbH:
M. Hägelen, R. Jetten, J. Kassner, R. Kulke,
"Safety and Comfort Enhancement with Radar for a Bicycle Assistance System",
IRS – 20th International Radar Symposium, Ulm, Germany, June 26-28, 2019
[10] IMST GmbH + RWTH Aachen:
M. Hägelen, R. Jetten, R. Kulke, Ch. Ben, M. Krüger,
"Monopulse Radar for Obstacle Detection and Autonomous Flight for Sea Rescue UAVs",
IRS – 19th International Radar Symposium, Bonn, Germany, June 20-22, 2018
[9] IMST GmbH:
R. Kulke, M. Hägelen,
"Mehrkanal-Radarsysteme bei 24 GHz für RPAS-Anwendungen und zur Überwachung von sicherheitsrelevanten Bereichen",
25. FED-Konferenz, Berlin, September 22, 2017
[8] IMST GmbH:
A. Pautz, M. Hägelen, R. Kulke,
"Multiple Target Detection using Rotman Lens Beamforming",
18th International Radar Symposium, IRS 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, June 28-30, 2017
[7] RWTH Aachen:
C. Ben, I. Martin, N. Voget, D. Moormann,
"Radar-Assisted Three-Dimensional Operating Detect and Avoid System for Small Unmanned Aerial Systems",
AIAA Science and Technology Forum, Grapevine, Texas, USA, January 3-7, 2017
[6] RWTH Aachen:
C. Ben, D. Schwichtenhövel, D. Moormann,
"Entwurf eines automatisierten allwetterfähigen lateralen Kollisionsvermeidungssystems für unbemannte Luftfahrtsysteme mittels Proportional Navigation Lenkverfahren",
65. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Braunschweig, Germany, September 13-15, 2016
[5] IMST GmbH:
M. Hägelen, R. Kulke, R. Jetten, G. Möllenbeck,
"Perimeter Surveillance Using a Combination of Radar and Optical Sensors",
13th European Radar Conference at European Microwave Week, London, UK, October 3-7, 2016
[4] IMST GmbH:
O. Lam, R. Kulke, M. Hägelen, G. Möllenbeck,
"Classification of Moving Targets Using Mirco-Doppler Radar",
IRS – 17th International Radar Symposium, Krakow, Poland, May 10-12, 2016
[3] RWTH Aachen:
C. Ben, T. Islam and D. Moormann,
"Field study of a 24 GHz FMCW radar system suitable to detect small-sized RPAS under 5 kg MTOW",
International Micro Air Vehicles Conference and Flight Competition, IMAV, Aachen, Germany, Sept. 15-18, 2015
[2] IMST GmbH:
R. Kulke, K. Maulwurf-Just, R. JettenGermany,
"Sensorfusion aus FMCW-Radar- und Videoüberwachung zur Erkennung und Verfolgung von Personen",
innosecure, Kongress für Innovation in den Sicherheitstechnologien, S. 249-252, Velbert Heiligenhaus, Deutschland, April 22-23, 2015
[1] IMST GmbH:
T. Klein, J. Kassner, R. Kulke,
"A polarimetric radar for soil roughness characterization flying on small RPAS",
International Radar Conference, Lille, France, 14. October 2014