13.5 and 17.5 GHz FMCW Radar with V-/H-Polarization

The radar modules enable a bandwidth of up to 2 GHz in the Ku-Band. This corresponds to a range resolution of 7.5 cm. Each device has one transmit (Tx) and two receive (Rx) antennas with linear polarization, whereby the Rx antennas have co- and cross-polarization to the Tx antenna. This allows the polarization properties of the exposed materials to be evaluated and, in particular, the electro-magnetical characteristics of snow and ice to be investigated. The RF output power is temperature stabalized for environmental temperatures from -40°C to +30°C for precise and reliable radar measurments.

The radar sensors are a customized development for Sherbrooke University in Québec, Canada.

Link to 13+17 GHz Radar Demonstrators

Radar Sensors by IMST

Radar Sensors by IMST

Get in contact with the radar team to learn more about this challenging project.