This site gives an overview of R&D radar projects participated by IMST. The following project list does not claim to be exhaustive. By participating in research projects, IMST is expanding its knowledge and skills in the development of innovative radar technologies. As a result from these R&D projects IMST achieves new techniques and systems in hardware, firmware and software. Demonstrators verify the success of the research activity. In addition, we are expanding our networks in science and industry. Many of these projects have also resulted in successful products.

Current R&D projects focus on area monitoring with intelligent systems and classification of radar targets using methods from artificial intelligence (AI) and neural networks (NN). IMST’s radar expertise includes standard and sophisticated antenna designs, radar chips from various vendors, micro-controllers for signal processing, radar control and different communication interfaces. Each module has its optimized firmware with specific radar functions and signal evaluation. Developer kits include our PC software SenToolTM, which is a graphical user interface for radar parameters settings and data visualization in different graphical plots.

Traffic safety using intelligent radar technology.

Traffic safety using intelligent detection technologies


"Erhöhte Verkehrssicherheit mittels Intelligenter Detektionstechnologien" R&D Project supported by BMDV, managed by VDI/VDE January 2023 - December 2025

Radar Surveillance on Public Places

Radar und Künstliche Intelligenz (KI), die Kombination der Zukunft


IMST entwickelt eine Radartechnologie zur Detektion von Personen und Gruppen in öffentlichen Bereichen. Mikro-Doppler-Daten werden von Radarsensoren aufgenommen…


Radar development supporting autonomous navigation


IMST is developing the radar sensor technology and a sensor node with digital data interfaces and cloud connection for this purpose. Artificial Intelligence (AI)…


Rotorblatt-Monitoring durch Millimeterwellen-Radar


"Anwendungsorientiertes Rotorblatt-Monitoring durch Millimeterwellen-Radar" R&D Project supported by BMWK, managed by PTJ June 2021 - May 2024


Monitoring von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen (OWEA)


"In-situ Monitoring von Grouted Joints bei Offshore-Windenergieanlagen" R&D Project supported by BMWK, managed by PTJ June 2020 - November 2023


Human-Robot Collaboration using High-Resolution Radars


"Sichere Mensch - Roboter Kollaboration mit Hilfe hochauflösender Radare" R&D Project supported by BMBF, managed by VDI/VDE July 2017 - December 2020